MRE STAR and its associates boast more than 30 years of experience in the food industry. Our staff and advisors are highly recognized in the “retort” area of food production or the food engineering process, which provides the extended shelf life to the MRE meal products.
All of our MRE meals or military style rations are manufactured in the United States of America by facilities, which are USDA/FSIS/FDA, approved and Halal and Kosher certified. MRE STAR follows all HACCP regulations with the manufacturing of our MRE meals to assure quality control and to meet the highest standards in the food industry.
The MRE STAR brand is a senior, recognized and trusted supplier of MRE meals to many international, national and local governmental agencies as well as private organizations, charitable organizations and individuals around the world. MRE STAR brand MRE meals are in use today, across the globe; feeding armies, emergency personnel, gas and oil workers, refugees, outdoor enthusiasts, and many more.

The integrity of the MRE STAR brand begins with the ingredients of the MRE meals. We pledge to use only top quality ingredients for the very best in quality and flavor. The long shelf life of the MRE meals require specially designed packaging materials and highly developed production equipment. MRE STAR utilizes both triple layered pouches and film as well as fully automated, top of the line equipment for cooking, filling, sealing and retorting the MRE meals.
MRE STAR is dedicated to using only the finest ingredients and the best quality packaging materials for the MRE meals. This dedication combined with the most advanced equipment in the industry guarantees the freshest product with the longest shelf life.
MRE STAR has the capacity to manufacture high volumes of MRE meals on a daily basis. We are equipped to operate 24/7 in an emergency situation or with advanced notice and have the resources to air-drop MRE meals to any part of the world in a short period of time. MRE STAR also carries the necessary licenses and certifications to issue proper import documentation and paperwork when required by the customs agencies of the receiving countries.